Deanery Trustees & Trust Funds
The Trustees of the Deanery Funds
The Deanery Trustees are, ex-officio:
The Dean of Guernsey
The Lay Chairman of the Deanery Synod
The Deanery Treasurer
The Deanery Secretary.
The Trustees direct the investment of the various funds’ assets and make payments from the funds in accordance with the terms of the respective trusts.
They also oversee the administration of the general funds, the purpose of which is to meet the expenses of the Deanery Synod, to collect Diocesan and Parochial Fees from the parishes for onward payment to the Diocese of Canterbury.
See the Constitution of the Trustees
The General Fund
The purpose of this Fund is to meet the expenses of the Deanery Synod; to collect Diocesan Share and Parochial Fees from the parishes for onward payment to the Diocese of Canterbury.
The Deanery Library Fund
The purpose of this Fund is to purchase books and other publications for the Deanery Library which is in Les Côtils Christian Centre.
The Vocations and Training Fund
The purpose of the purpose of this Fund is to grant financial assistance in relation to travel expenses to persons undergoing approved training or courses in the United Kingdom in pursuit of vocations and, for Alderney and Sark residents, for training or courses in Guernsey.
The Saint James Trust Fund
The income of this Fund is for the use and benefit of the parishes of St. John the Evangelist, St. Stephen and Holy Trinity all of which are within the boundaries of St. Peter Port.
The Harding Bequest Fund
The purpose of this Fund is to further the work of the Church of England in the Deanery, as the Trustees shall from time to time direct. See the Fund Rules
The Guernsey Clergy Benefit Fund
The purpose of this Fund is to augment the annual income if the incumbents, priests-in-charge, licensed self-supporting ministers and other stipendiary ministers in the Deanery.
The Clergy Widows and Dependants Fund
The purpose of this Fund is to give financial assistance to surviving spouses and dependants of clerks in holy orders who die whilst holding, or having held, an incumbency or assistant curacy in the Deanery, for such time as the spouse remains resident in the Deanery and does not remarry.
The Martin Bequest Fund
The income of this Fund is to be applied for such purposes as the Dean and Chapter shall from time to time direct. Currently all income is transferred to the Guernsey Clergy Benefit Fund.
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