Please click on the map or use the drop down menu to see a description, information about services and contact details for each of our parishes.
Holy Trinity
We're a vibrant, evangelical Anglican church in the town of St Peter Port. Our vision and calling is to be an authentic community of faith committed to making and growing disciples of Jesus Christ.
Castel (St Marie)
We offer you a warm welcome to all the services held in our beautiful ancient church.
St Mary, L'Islet
Built in 1880 and originally known as L’Islet Mission Church, the Church was built to serve the part of the parish known as St Sampson’s ‘detached’.
Cobo, St Matthew
St Matthew’s Parish Church, Cobo, is situated on the island of Guernsey, in the Castel Parish, overlooking both Vazon and Cobo Bay.
St Pierre du Bois
To be a living witness to the love of God, and to reach out to the community around us.
St Sampson
St Sampson’s, dating back to the 6th century is the oldest church on the island and was founded by St Sampson of Dol.
St Saviour
To create a caring, sustainable and growing Christian presence within our parish. Growing together as the family of God, living and sharing His love in the community St Saviour’s Church is a friendly, welcoming community.
St Stephen
Since the middle of the nineteenth century, St. Stephen’s Church has been the main focus for Anglo-Catholic worship on the island of Guernsey.
Town Church
Situated in the heart of St. Peter Port, the Town Church offers a warm welcome to the many visitors who come through our doors each week